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SimplePie Plugins and Integration: 64 Hits
Dx CMS installation. ===== Mediawiki ===== * [[plugins:Mediawiki:SimpleFeed]] -- An extension for Mediawiki that provides for more customization to the display than the official Mediawiki plugin. * [[plugins:Mediawiki:SimplePie Plugin for Mediawiki]] -- An intentionally simple plugin that displays... ount of customization. ===== Nucleus ===== * [[plugins:Nucleus:NP_SimplePie]] -- Nucleus plugin. ===== ... es the SimplePie library available to other Omeka plugins. ===== PHP-Nuke ===== * [[plugins:PHP-Nuke:nuk
SimplePie Plugin for Mediawiki: 37 Hits
w at the forums. Alternatively, there are other [[plugins:mediawiki:start]] plugins that you can use instead of this one. ... Plugin ==== This plugin adds a ''<feed>'' tag to Mediawiki that allows you to display feeds in your wiki. ===== Installation ===== ==== Upgrading from an... s. We're going to assume that you have installed MediaWiki to '''', which would mean that the MediaWiki extensions folder lives at '''', and that your MediaWiki settings file lives at ''http: