SimplePie 1.5 is now available!

SimplePie Documentation.  Learn how to use this thing.  It's way better than going to school.

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SimplePie 1.0 "Razzleberry": 178 Hits
ace. (RC1) * Added the following constants: ''[[reference:SimplePie:SIMPLEPIE_BUILD]]'', ''[[reference:SimplePie:SIMPLEPIE_LINKBACK]]'', ''[[reference:SimplePie:SIMPLEPIE_NAME]]'', ''[[reference:SimplePie:SIMPLEPIE_URL]]'', ''[[reference:SimplePie:SIMPLEPIE_USERAGENT]]'', and ''[[reference:SimplePie:SIMPLEPIE_VERSION]]''. (RC1) * Added ''[[reference:SimplePie:set_favicon_handler]]'' to enable the caching and dis
embed(): 43 Hits
rue )); } }</code> ===== See Also ===== * [[reference:SimplePie:start]] * [[reference:SimplePie_Item:start]] * [[reference:SimplePie_Enclosure:start]] * [[reference:SimplePie_Enclosure:native_embed
native_embed(): 41 Hits
rue )); } }</code> ===== See Also ===== * [[reference:SimplePie:start]] * [[reference:SimplePie_Item:start]] * [[reference:SimplePie_Enclosure:start]] * [[reference:SimplePie_Enclosure:embed]]
Setup and Getting Started: 22 Hits
der you just created.//** This is where you will reference SimplePie from when you require it on your pages. ==== Ste... to go at this point. If you know how to require SimplePie in your pages, and can find your way around the [[reference:start|function reference]], you should be fine at this point. If you need help putting a
Documentation: 20 Hits
ials and such, but please follow existing uses of wiki links and the [[|API documentation]]. :!: **You can look... up a specific class or method by going to[class name]** which is just like how you can look up PHP functions by going to[function name]. Ready to learn? You can begin by clicking on o... [[setup:upgrade]] ===== Usage ===== * [[|API Documentation for 1.3]] * [[1.3:st