SimplePie 1.5 is now available!

SimplePie Documentation.  Learn how to use this thing.  It's way better than going to school.

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Documentation: 15 Hits
====== Documentation ====== We've seen far too many open-source projects have really poor documentation, if any at all. We don't want to be like that. Our goal is to provide you with everything you need to install, upgrade, get started with, and really push SimplePie to its limits. Besides documenting each and every single public function, we've also put together guides for various things to help you along. We decided to move everything into a wiki so that people can add their own notes, clarifications, and other helpful hints to the docs. Feel free to add your own tutorials and such, but please follow existing uses of wiki links and the [[|API documentation]]. :!: **You can look up a specific class or method by going to[class name]** which is just like how you can look up PHP functions by going to[function name]. Ready to learn? You can begin by clicking on one of the documentation links below. ===== Frequently Asked Questions ===== * **[[faq:start]]** * [[faq:Typical Multifeed Gotchas]] * [[faq:problematic_feeds]] * [[faq:I'm getting memory leaks]] * [[faq:how_does_simplepie_s_caching_http_conditional_get_system_work]] * [[faq:file_permissions|How do I change the file permissions for the cache directory to be server-writable?]] ===== Setup ===== * [[setup:start]] * [[setup:sample_page]] * [[setup:upgrade]] ===== Usage ===== * [[|API Documentation for 1.3]] * [[1.3:start|Other Documentation for 1.3]] * [[reference:start|API Documentation for 1.2]] * [[tutorial:start]] * [[ideas:start]] ===== Enhancements ===== * [[plugins:start]] * [[addons:start]] ===== Miscellaneous ===== * [[misc:Coding Standards]] * [[misc:Release Notes:start]] * [[misc:Credits]] * [[misc:In The Media]] ===== SimplePie Live! Documentation ===== * [[live:start]]
SimplePie Plugins and Integration: 8 Hits
thout even logging in! * [[|NewsBlocks Demo]] -- Sam
set_item_class(): 6 Hits
mespaced <gd:when> tag. // $when = $this->g... ml></code> ===== See Also ===== * [[reference:SimplePie:start]] * [[reference:SimplePie_Item:start]]
Sorting by custom criteria instead of date: 5 Hits
the number of diggs instead of by date. :!: This tutorial assumes that you're already familiar with using S... It also assumes that you know how to use [[addons:start]] (specifically the [[addons:digg]] Add-on). ===... * Supported in SimplePie 1.0. * Code in this tutorial should be compatible with PHP 4.3 or newer, and s... raries. Digg Add-on found at require_once(''); requir
How do I get a thumbnail from a YouTube feed?: 4 Hits
his with the shorter syntax. $feed = new SimplePie('