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SimplePie Documentation.  Learn how to use this thing.  It's way better than going to school.

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Formatting Syntax: 87 Hits
(see below) like this: [[|{{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png}}]] [[|{{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png}}]] Please note: The image formatting is the only formatting syntax accepted in link names... ize of them. Real size: {{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png}} Resize to given width: {{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png?50}} Resize to given width and height((when the aspect ratio of the given width
DokuWiki: 42 Hits
====== DokuWiki ====== [[doku>wiki:dokuwiki|{{wiki:dokuwiki-128.png }}]] DokuWiki is a standards compliant, simple to use [[wp>Wiki]], mainly aimed at... gers think]] * [[|Compare it with other wiki software]] **Installing DokuWiki** * [[doku>requirements|System Requirements]] * [[|Download DokuWiki]] :!: * [[doku>changes|Change Log]] * [[doku>Install|How to install or up
SimplePie Plugins and Integration: 13 Hits
===== * Support for SimplePie is built into the DokuWiki software as of the [[|DokuWiki 2006-11-06 release]]. Uses the outdated SimplePie Beta 3 release. ===== Drupal ===== * [[... e [[,com_jd-wiki/Itemid,/id,references:3pd-libraries/|Joomla! 1.5 ... thout even logging in! * [[|NewsBlocks Demo